How Heat Pumps Make Heating Homes Easier
Most homes these days run off of central air and central heating. While these have been getting more efficient over the years, one appliance can still make things even more efficient. After all, HVAC systems are only so efficient. There's a ceiling to the savings. But with a heat pump, homeowners can not only save money, but they can save energy to reduce their carbon footprint. It's one of the best ways to combat climate change. Read on to find out how heat pumps work and their benefits.
What a Heat Pump Is and How It Works
A heat pump is made of two different components. One is the indoor component, which is located on one wall, and an outdoor component, located on the exterior. The outside component includes a condenser that uses refrigeration technology to pull warmth from the outside air in the winter. The warmth pumps into the house in the winter and out of the house in the summer.
This technology is part of what makes heat pumps so attractive and energy-efficient. Homeowners don't need two different units for heating and cooling. They just need one. These types of heat pumps are often called mini-split systems, and they don't require ducts, so they're usually called ductless mini-split systems.
Ductless Heating Benefits
The nice thing about these mini-split systems is they only need one outdoor unit to power multiple indoor units. Many people like to put these in bedrooms or shared rooms like living rooms. They don't require ducts because they concentrate on one room, heating it in the winter and cooling it in the summer.
Energy Savings Mean Money Savings
Heat pumps are not only "green" energy, but they save money, too. They run off of electricity, but only to power limited components in the system. This is in contrast to using electricity to power the entire HVAC system, as with central air and central heating systems. This causes heat pumps to increase the electricity bill, but at the same time, it brings more savings in the form of savings for heating and cooling costs. This translates to significant savings in the home, especially for those who live in mild climates.
Homeowners considering a heat pump installation should call their friendly neighborhood HVAC company. HVAC professionals can help determine what kind of heat pump, if any, is best for the home and what kind of savings they can provide.
About Carmine's Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning
The people at Carmine's Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning have over 30 years of local experience serving Danbury, CT. They offer 24/7 emergency service by certified technicians. They also offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Call them today for heat pump service.